Our new grandbaby girl is finally here. Arwen Starr was born June 8th, 2009 at 8:25pm. The little cutie was 7 lbs. 12 oz. and 18 1/2" long. She is doing great just has a little jondace and having to be tested a lot for that. Me & Jeff just thinks she's a doll. It's nice to have our family growing. It time to get my hair dye out and cover those grays so I look like a very young grandma. HAHAHAHA...
I am married with 2 grown sons. I live in Kansas City, Kansas. We have an adorable cat named Miss Kitty. I also have 3 grand daughters and a grandson. I consider myself a hobby quilter with most of the time trying to find time to quilt. You can contact me at teresasquiltstash@yahoo.com